Background Research for Design Project


Read the following sections thoroughly, as the information presented will help you make logical decisions during the design and analysis process for the project.  You are not limited to only the information presented here; if you desire more knowledge on these topics, refer to other sources such as the internet, library, former students, course TAs or the course instructor.


0. Before you begin researching


1. Brief Intro to Robotics (video)


2. Electric DC motors


3. Robot controllers


4. Mobile robotic platforms


5. Center of gravity


6. Steering


7. Wheels and tires


8. Friction coefficients


9. Bucket / ball lifting mechanisms / manipulators


10. Ball hoppers


11. Ball sorting mechanisms/strategies


12. Ball dispending mechanisms/strategies


13. Gears/gearing


14. Materials / material selection


15. Material properties


16. Tennis & golf balls


17. EML2322L design flow chart (pdf illustrating the correlation between the design process and course project)